Offset Carbon Footprint

Carbon offsets are a practical and effective way to address climate change and encourage the growth of renewable energy. With them, you can counteract your personal carbon emissions—your “carbon footprint”—while contributing to a more sustainable future.

EOS has had a significant impact on reducing CO2 carbon emissions through our solar panel, fuel-efficient ovens, and improved stoves. In 2016 alone, EOS has reduced 127.5 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions. Since EOS started installing these technologies in 2008, we have reduced over 554.7 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions.

Transportation comprises nearly 30% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, and this number is increasing. Your purchase in carbon credits will support the investment of new technology installations which have a positive effect on the environment and will cut greenhouse gas pollution on your behalf for years to come. You can use this calculator to estimate the carbon footprint: Conservation International Calculator.

Please return to this site to Offset your Carbon Footprint through EOS.


The US average carbon footprint is 21 tons per year. You can neutralize your annual carbon footprint in carbon offsets at a market rate of $12/ton.

The purchase of this carbon credit offset will only be used once on projects that have already been installed and impact generated. For questions, please feel free to contact us at

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