Not everything that counts can be counted.

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It’s true. EOS has provided One Million people with safe drinking water since 2008.
But, not everything that counts can be counted.

Livelihood counts. 
Whether managing a chlorine distribution center or working in a coffee field or starting plants to sell at market, convenient access to clean, safe water gives people like Maria time to pursue productivity and passions, to learn new skills, to break the cycle of poverty. Quality of life counts.

Education counts. 
Bryan and Edwin and their peers have no shortage of dreams! Dreams are curated in classrooms, and when there is clean water at school, classrooms get filled with students, and curious minds get the fuel they crave, need, and deserve. Dreams count.

Dignity counts.
Dignity is not having to walk for hours to collect clean water. It’s being able to wash and bathe and launder regularly. It’s pride in personal hygiene. It’s many things that many of us take for granted. Dignity counts.

Safe water grants Michel the opportunity to grow up in good health. Clean water at health clinics and at homes means avoiding waterborne diseases than can cause critical illness, especially in vulnerable children under 5 years old. Health counts.

What can be counted on, as we’ve come to learn, is your support. We are grateful for your support and your services, your advocacy and your awareness-raising, your belief that building a global community of people empowering people is critical to locally-owned long-term solutions.

We are so grateful we can count on you. 

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