On May 5th, EOS launched a 10-day campaign to raise $50,000 to support an immediate and lasting emergency response to COVID-19, with 100% of the proceeds going to Central America. These funds [...]
COVID-19 UPDATE: Access to safe drinking water is even more critical during these challenging times. Find out how our staff is navigating the situation to find other ways to continue supporting [...]
March 8th is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender [...]
EOS works in rural communities in Nicaragua and Honduras which are two of the poorest countries in Central America. Over 50% of people live below the poverty line, and in rural areas, many live [...]
We are thrilled to announce that EOS has received a $50,000 loan from Agora 2030 which will help us scale safe drinking water solutions in Nicaragua and Honduras where we work. In 2016, EOS [...]
Meyling Cenia Herrera Lanzas is from the community of the Lipes in the department of Matagalpa in Nicaragua. She is the daughter of farmers who are humble and dedicated to various activities in [...]
This past summer Engineering and Data Consultants, Jake and Victoria Reis, spent two months in Honduras working with our in-country team to launch a mobile monitoring system to provide real-time [...]